Friday 19 May 2017

Raft building

Today we did an experiment to see which materials would float. As a class, we talked about the term 'observing' and how it meant we had to watch things carefully.

Our task was to test materials, to record our findings and to design a raft which could safely carry Iron Man and his heavy suit across a river if his jets failed.

Here are the children testing their materials and recording their observations...

Here are the finished rafts, we chose our materials based on our findings...

Here we are enjoying testing our rafts during snack time. It was great fun and the class were very excited to see each other's rafts being tested out by our substitute Iron Man! When some rafts sank, we were not discouraged, but instead worked as a team to suggest why this may have happened and how we could improve it next time.

And finally, thank you to all the adults who joined us today on our Walk for Wildlife. Have a wonderful weekend.

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